Aura-Soma Quintessence Air Conditioner HILARION 100ml

Air conditioner


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Pridėti į norų sąrašą Pridėti į norų sąrašą
Pridėti į norų sąrašą

KEYNOTE: The Way, the truth and the light
QUALITIES: It can help create a sense of space, presence and newness within ourselves by releasing old stories and over-identifications that are no longer useful. As we become more present and available to ourselves, we can integrate the knowing of the mind with the higher feeling aspect of the heart, which together create wisdom; thus, we come to find our Way (purpose) as an expression of the Truth of our being (meaning), which expands the Light (clarity) that shines within, through and around us.
Essential oils: lemongrass, cedar, pine
Colour: pale green
Crystal Energies: Emerald, Chrysoprase
Aura-Soma quintessences empower you by facilitating a positive energy flow and encouraging you to be more present. Perfect for supporting mindfulness practices and meditation, quintessences give you greater access to who you really are. Quintessences bring a more subtle energy to the Aura-Soma system. They help you recognize and accept your own inner beauty.

Tags: hilarion, Crystals, path, spirituality, Quintessence, ascended master, decisions, well-being, emotional well-being, resilience, crystal healing, direction, heart chakra

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