Orthomol Natal N30tab/cap

The vitamin complex was created for complete vitamin support of the body of mother and baby



Pridėti į norų sąrašą Pridėti į norų sąrašą
Pridėti į norų sąrašą
Produkto kodas: 4260022698012 Kategorija:

The complex for women Orthomol Natal (Orthomol Natal) prepares the body for a healthy conception of a child, eliminates deficiencies for the normal development of the baby in the womb during pregnancy and helps to saturate the body of the newborn with all the useful substances during breastfeeding. This is a balanced vitamin and mineral complex that allows you to approach motherhood more prepared. In order for the pregnancy to proceed smoothly, it is necessary to prepare in advance. This preparation also includes replenishment of the deficiency of useful substances, with which the vitamin-mineral complex Orthomol Natal does an excellent job. Its regular intake contributes to the coordinated work of internal organs, supplying the body with useful nutrients, and during pregnancy it helps to saturate the body of mother and baby with vitamins, minerals and useful microelements.
How to use: Take 4 tablets and 3 capsules daily with plenty of liquid during or after meals. 1 capsule with beneficial microorganisms (probiotic) is recommended to be taken separately in the evening. As desired, 2 capsules and 4 tablets can be taken throughout the day in any order.

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