Aura-Soma Equilibrium N104 – Archangel Chamael 50ml



Pridėti į norų sąrašą Pridėti į norų sąrašą
Pridėti į norų sąrašą

Main idea: Everything is as it is. A new beginning for love. A new order of being, when I love myself the way I am. Iridescent Warm pink / Magenta. Mixed into: Iridescent Magenta. Helps advance the feminine aspect of intuition, protection, self-acceptance and compassion (iridescent pink). This creates more space deep within us to attract love from above into everything that we are, who we are (magenta). Accepting ourselves with love for who we are in every moment, and not as we would like to be, promotes the beginning of a love free from self-condemnation, which can help us to accept and respect others as they are in every moment.

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