Say “NO” to grey hair!


Say “NO” to grey hair!

Everyone gets grey hair sooner or later. But how does grey hair actually appear and is there anything that can be done about it? Grey hair appears as a result of a complex biochemical process. In recent years, several studies have identified factors and processes that contribute to the appearance of grey hair. The main culprit appears to be an excess of hydrogen peroxide, a substance produced naturally by the body.

The hair cells of people of all ages produce a certain amount of hydrogen peroxide. In young people, hydrogen peroxide is quickly broken down by the enzyme “catalase” into harmless elements – hydrogen and oxygen. However, as we age, hair cells produce less and less catalase, and hydrogen peroxide is broken down more and more poorly.

When hydrogen peroxide builds up, melanin doesn’t work as efficiently. Melanin is a substance produced by the body that gives colour to hair, skin and eyes. Initially, hydrogen peroxide takes some of the colour out of your hair, causing it to look grey. Over time, as “catalase” levels continue to drop and hydrogen peroxide levels increase, hair can turn from grey to white.

Hair turns grey for a variety of reasons. There are factors, such as hair loss, that can accelerate the process of hair greying. Stress is a trigger that can cause “telogen effluvium”, a form of hair loss. Aging also causes hair to fall out of the scalp, and over time, hair loses its colour. The only way to stop grey hair from appearing is to use grey hair prevention vitamins or grey hair stopping supplements effectively. We will talk more about this later in the article.

You may have had a full head of brown, black, red or blonde hair when you were younger. 

Some health issues that can accelerate hair greying are vitamin B-12 deficiency, some rare hereditary tumours, thyroid disease and ‘vitiligo’.

When you are young, you may have hair of different colours: grey, blonde, red or black. As you age, pigment cells called “melanocytes” in the hair follicles die, which causes this colour to appear. When there are fewer pigment cells in the hair follicles, the hair strand no longer contains as much melanin and takes on a more transparent colour such as grey, silver or white. In the end, the hair will look completely grey, which is not what you want if you are against grey hair.

Introducing our scientifically approved anti-grey hair serum – a powerful treatment that combats premature greying with exceptional effectiveness. Our serum is a powerful treatment that targets melanin production in grey hair, preventing and reversing the signs of greying. Enriched with antioxidants, it effectively reduces oxidative stress in the hair follicle, revitalising your locks from the inside out. By stimulating melanin production in greying hair, our serum helps to restore natural pigmentation, so your own hair colour becomes dominant again. Suitable for both men and women, the serum nourishes and moisturises the scalp and hair thanks to its vitamin-rich formula.

Researchers have found that stress may be the cause of grey hair. The body tends to fight grey hair, and stress often plays a role in this. The fact that stress can cause grey hair suggests that our psychological state can cause changes in the body. Studies have shown that after a certain period of stress, it is possible to stop the appearance of grey hair and restore hair colour. This was found out by scientists from Harvard University. Under stress, nerves produce the substance “noradrenaline”. It turned out that this substance quickly turns stem cells into cells that produce pigment. Since the number of such cells in capillaries is not infinite, this leads to a shortage of them. Thus, stress affects the rate at which grey hair appears. Unfortunately, this does not apply to every hair. Therefore, the use of anti-grey hair products will help prevent the appearance of grey hair and provide it with vitamins.

The average age at which hair starts to turn grey varies from person to person. It often happens in your 20s, but it depends on your genes. You can often determine at what age your hair falls out by finding out from your relatives or parents when they turned grey. When you start to struggle with grey hair, you may wonder if you can stop grey body hair from appearing. It depends on your circumstances and if you are suffering from grey hair due to genetics. We recommend that you prevent the appearance of grey hair rather than trying to stop it.

The timing of the appearance of grey hair depends on several factors such as genetics, stress and chemotherapy. Preventing grey hair is unfortunately difficult unless you use anti-grey hair products. On average, white people begin to turn grey in their 30s, Asians in their late 3rd decade, and African Americans in their mid-4th decade. Many people have a significant amount of grey hair when they reach their 50s.

A few grey hairs between the ages of 20-25 are considered completely normal. When grey hairs become numerous, it is a different story and it is better to look for the cause and try to prevent grey hairs in the future. When you turn grey at a more mature age, you may choose to embrace your grey hair and keep it. This will help you look older and wiser. But if you are really against grey hair, when you feel like you have done everything to prevent grey hair and stop it from appearing. Then smoking, vitamin B-12 deficiency and autoimmune diseases could be the root cause.

If you want to prevent grey hair, you should not start smoking. Studies have shown that there is a significant link between the appearance of grey hair before the age of 30 and cigarette smoking. Therefore, if you are against grey hair, it is better to quit smoking as soon as possible or don’t start. Smoking can increase the chances of premature greying of hair by two and a half times.

As mentioned above, vitamins are important for the growth of healthy hair. An important vitamin for this is vitamin B-12, a deficiency of which leads to premature greying of hair. Researchers have noted that vitamin B-12 deficiency often coincides with deficiencies of “folic” acid and “biotin” in people whose hair begins to grey early.

Vitamin B-12 is a nutrient that is essential for metabolism, DNA production and overall energy levels. You can ensure you get enough vitamin B-12 by eating foods such as meat, dairy products, fortified cereals, or by using anti-grey hair products such as anti-grey hair pills containing vitamins to prevent grey hair.

A study conducted by The British Journal of Medicine shows that there are some differences between the growth of grey hair in women and men. In this study, hair colour was examined according to age, gender, ethnicity and geographical origin.

The study found that between the ages of 45 and 65, about 74% of people suffered from grey hair with an average intensity of 27%. Men in this group had significantly more grey hair than women. It was also found that people of Asian and African descent had less grey hair at a similar age than people of Caucasian descent. This confirms previous studies on grey hair and grey hair control.

The huge difference between men and women in greying hair is that in men, hair grows 60.6 per cent first on the temporal part of the head. In women, this difference is even greater, with 38.6% of grey hair growing first in the frontal area and 31% in the temporal area.

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