Aura-Soma Pomander Pink Air Conditioner 100ml

Air Conditioner



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– Love, security & care
– Promotes self-esteem and self-love
– Cleansing & clarification for a loving room atmosphere

Plants: Rose Geranium, Tuberose, Rose

Fragrance: Flowery-Lovely, Rosy

Bringing in caring for oneself, and is the instigator and protector of our ability to care – both Universal and unconditional.

Pink harmonises group energies and influences these processes positively, lending itself well to community endeavours. It is useful for children that are out of control as an anti- aggression tool. This Essence aids in attracting love into your aura and radiating love back out to others. As it opens the heart, it protects one from vulnerability, thus releasing the fear of being hurt.

Application: Spray 2-3 times of the chosen Air conditioner room spray in each corner of the room and as you feel like in the middle of the room.

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